Internet And E -Commerce: The Benefits Of Online Shop

With the advent of electronic market raises a number of benefits for buyers and sellers and, of course, also disadvantages. Costs for buyers in terms of the information they receive about the features and prices of products sold in the network are reduced. In return users traditional market are often reluctant to enter the virtual markets, online stores, due to the asymmetry of information, that is, they perceive that they do not receive sufficient information of the product or service being unable to see and physically touch . It is assumed, and not always with reason, that being better informed decisions are best taken.

E-commerce breaks with traditional market chain disappear geographical and temporal barriers. Disappear in most cases intermediaries reducing costs for professional or entrepreneur but precisely by reducing costs, increasing competition between companies in the same sector. Internet helps companies to be more efficient, flexible, to give quick responses to customer needs, reduce costs, increase service quality and maintain an interactive relationship with its customers answers. All this is possible with a good product and good publicity or acquiring a strategic positioning.

First you have to have a good showcase, ie, a corporate web site or web site that offers not only your products or services but also all the information about them: features, prices, ... It is a presence on the Net which it is also a good way to advertise, to publicize the brand and have available information on the products and services to customers and potential customers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Thus we reach millions of users away from the local and limited dissemination of the traditional market.

If we want to realize the sale of our products and services and that they reach a large number of users, we choose to create an online store. The e-commerce is the kind of market where buying and selling of products and services is provided, meet availability, price, features and, in some cases, can receive technical, legal assistance, advice or any ... type interactively and, as we said, is embodied in virtual stores.

In the market model e-commerce customers are not part of the system as opposed to e-business, in which customers, suppliers, manufacturers, dealers, e-enterprise ... or a virtual business model fully integrated. Companies that decide to open an online store have the ability to open new markets without considering the distances and thus to capture many new customers. These and others are many reasons that make the Internet an asset to any company that decides to sell its Network producer through the e-commerce online stores.

We summarize the advantages of e-commerce: expanding the range of products and services, disappearance of geographical and time barriers, elimination of intermediaries thereby reducing cost and hence the selling price, convenience for the end user to perform shopping from home ... and most importantly, an ideal budget base from which to advertise and display products, and from which users receive all necessary information regarding the goods and services offered, the website of the seller, virtual store where you can stroll, shop.

1 comment:

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